Thursday, September 23, 2010

1st draft of Personal Narrative due tomorrow 9/24/10

1st draft of Personal Narrative due tomorrow 9/24/10
  • Skip lines
  • Only write on one side of your loose-leaf


  1. Log & Jot sheet- 10/1
  2. Writing Entries 4-6- 9/24
  3. Voc quiz #2- 9/24
  4. The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian questions -9/28
  5. Book Review #1- 10/1

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

RW notes-9-21


Community text:

“The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian” by Sherman Alexie

TP: How does our environment and how others treat us affect our self esteem?

Do Now: Sketch a quick stick figure drawing that best represents you and list five words that describe you (include personality traits).

Essential Questions for the unit:

1. How do internal and external expectations manifest themselves in our lives?

2. How can such societal expectations impact our identities?

3. Should a person’s responsibility to their family, tribe, or community take precedence over their individual goals?

4. How does literature help us to understand ourselves and the world around us?

Read “The Black-Eye-of-the-Month Club” aloud in class (p. 1-6)

During read a loud we will be talking back to the text, questioning the text and documenting new ideas and vocabulary.

HW: Read “Why Chicken Means So Much to Me” (p. 7 -14) and answer the following questions in at least one paragraph

1. How does the main character’s environment and how others treat him affect his self esteem?

2. How does your environment and how others treat you affect your self esteem

3. Why does chicken mean so much to the main character?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Notes: 9/16 Writing Workshop


Writing Workshop
Personal Narrative-A story about our lives
Gathering Strategies- Lists that help us come up with ideas

Do Now: Use your notes to answer the following questions:
1.  List 3 ways that we can deepen our understanding of what we read

2.  List a time in your life where you struggled with something?

3.  List a time in your life when you made progress with something you were struggling with?

TP: As writers we look to our own life experiences for writing ideas.

Struggles                                                                   Progress

1.                                                                                                              1.
2.                                                                                                              2.
3.                                                                                                              3.

 Class work

Ø  Turn & talk to your partner and say which idea you want to write about today and why

Ø  Create a time line of the event

Ø  Begin writing the story

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Notes: 9/15 Grammar


Parts of Speech

Do Now: List the 8 parts of speech (answer in power point presentation)

1. Noun

TP: The work that a word does in a sentence determines what part of speech it is in that sentence.

Notes: Power point presentation: Slides 1-9 (Click on or copy and paste link for notes)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Notes: 9/14 Reading Workshop

Do Now: Answer the following question:

 Why do you read?

Why we read: Quotes from people around the world

“Why people read what they read is a great unknown and personal thing,” said Sara Nelson, editor in chief of the trade magazine Publishers Weekly.

“It can be like a drug in a positive way,” said Daniel Goldin, general manager of the Harry W. Schwartz Bookshops in Milwaukee. “If you get the book that makes the person fall in love with reading, they want another one.”

“It was the first time I looked at a book and saw a brown, black, beige character — a character who resembled me physically and resembled me spiritually, in all his gorgeous loneliness and splendid isolation,” Mr. Alexie, a Spokane Indian who grew up on a reservation, told the audience.

“It’s that excitement of trying to discover that unknown world,” said Azar Nafisi, the author of “Reading Lolita in Tehran,”

Notes: RW

TP: We write while we read to keep track of our thoughts and to deepen our understanding of what we are reading.

We do this by:

 Talking back to the text: Disagree with the author, agree with the author, give your opinion

 Questioning: Ask, “Why?” ask, “What does this mean?” ask, “Why is the author writing this?”

 Documenting new ideas and vocabulary

o When you come across a new idea, write it down

o When you come across new vocabulary, write it down

You will need to get a copy of this "controversial" article from me

Class work: Using the article, “March on Washington, Oct. 2: Smash Racist Unemployment with Communist Revolution” complete the following activity.

 Talk back to the text: What in the article do you disagree with? What do you agree with? What’s your opinion about the ideas in this article?

 Question: Write down the questions you have after reading this article?

 Document new ideas and vocabulary: What ideas in this article are new to you? Write down all the words in this article that you don’t understand.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Due Dates are Closer than they Appear!

  1. Sign up for blog- 9/13
  2. Log & Jot sheet- 9/20
  3. Writing Entries 1-3- 9/17
  4. Voc quiz #1-9/17
  5. Book Review #1- 10/1

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Homework for the weekend

  1. Sign up for the class blog and say "hi", don't forget to write your name and class.
  2. Read at least 30 minutes a night and fill out your jot sheet (using the sentence starters I gave you). You should have 5 jots completed by Monday.
  3. Finish "History of yourself as a reader, writer, person" if you did not hand it in to me in class. Have a good break! READ!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


  1. Your first homework assignment is to sign up for this blog. 
  2.  Reply below and write a note to me and your classmates (saying "hi" is good enough)
  3. Be sure to write your name and class number in each post.