Thursday, September 16, 2010

Notes: 9/16 Writing Workshop


Writing Workshop
Personal Narrative-A story about our lives
Gathering Strategies- Lists that help us come up with ideas

Do Now: Use your notes to answer the following questions:
1.  List 3 ways that we can deepen our understanding of what we read

2.  List a time in your life where you struggled with something?

3.  List a time in your life when you made progress with something you were struggling with?

TP: As writers we look to our own life experiences for writing ideas.

Struggles                                                                   Progress

1.                                                                                                              1.
2.                                                                                                              2.
3.                                                                                                              3.

 Class work

Ø  Turn & talk to your partner and say which idea you want to write about today and why

Ø  Create a time line of the event

Ø  Begin writing the story

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